Working at fast food rest. for the first time
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Yo readers out dhere.
Bz ferr the past few days (due) started werking bout two weeks ago but i've been coming to werk (Arnolds fried chicken restaurant) for only FOUR days.
Heesss Me n Yani>> (who recommended me tis job) have been terminated from werk due to (Manager & staffs feedback: Bad attendance & poor performance) What the hell!!
We ate fried chicken during 20 MINUTES break everyday.
Not enough time to eat so called "feeling , feeling".
We must eat "MACAM ORG GELOJOH. (buat hal tercekik,salahkn manager la!)"
But for me, the 20minutes break, i divided it into 2 (10minutes = Makan time. Another 10minutes = Smoking time)
In your opinion, do we have enough time to do these things in just 10 minutes?
Hmmm i guessed NOT !
Hehehs but nehmind.
May find another BETTER job than tis.
Hmm money is hard to earn/get nowadays. We must find gud jobs,gud pays,salary to EARN money.
& for those who came from rich families out there,do ignore the above line^ if u think it "Aiyaaa easy lah to get Ching Ching!"
haha! It Like WHAT THE FCK?! Lame2!
My blog is full of nonsenses n karots (nonsense in malay) post!
Do entertain, if dun, juz get lost!
everybody & do tcre! :)Labels: Working experience